Merry Christmas
This Christmas Eve I'm taking time out to say to each one,
whoever you are, where ever you are, my prayer for you is
that God will bless your life. I not only wish you a
Merry Christmas and happy New Year, but I wish for you
a life of hope, of joy, and of peace. The Christ of Christmas was a
child in a manger bed long ago, but yet His name was also called Emanuel. (God with Us.)
Today, The Christ of Christmas is born in the heart of all who believe,
but not as an infant, but as our hope, our joy, our comforter, our redeemer.
Though we are never perfect even as Christians, a true believer will
want to please God and seek God's strength to do so.
To truly know the peace of God, we must keep ourselves
under the authority of God's choices for us.
We should seek His will and His purpose for our lives, not seeking man's
ways, but seeking God's. My prayer is that the Christ of Christmas
will become the joy of your heart and the joy that leads you through life.
. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
With Love,
Susan Nikitenko
Christmas Eve, 2016
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