Jesus You Are The True Star Of Christmas

Jesus You Are the True Star of Christmas

Thank-You for the star, the star of Bethlehem.
The Christmas star that led the way.
A bright star In the heavens pointing to hope.
The hope that was born on Christmas day.

You were born to a world needing your love;
A world lost and dying in sin.
We would be hopeless without your great love:
There would not be a Christmas then.

Jesus you are the true star of Christmas;
Your light brings us comfort and joy.
You are more than the star of the show;
More important than tree, or toy.

You are the light, that lights up in our heart.
When we believe and worship you;
Just as the wisemen  who followed the star;
Who fell to knee and worshipped too.

Jesus you are the true star of Christmas;
You are a promise of God come true.
You are the Way, The only possible Way;
The reason for Christmas is YOU.

Susan Y Nikitenko
October 12th, 2013
                Christmas Song                 

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